In Revenge of the Sith, Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Palpatine are trapped by a ray shield on the Separatist ship the Invisible Hand:
It is specifically called it a "ray shield" by multiple characters:
BODYGUARD: General, we found the Jedi. They're in hallway 328.
GENERAL GRIEVOUS: Activate ray shields.
They run down the hallway. Suddenly, ray shields drop around them, putting them in an electronic box in the middle of the hallway.
ANAKIN: Ray shields!
However, ray shields are (usually) only capable of stopping energy like blaster bolts. To physically block an object you need a particle shield.
The fact that ray shields do not block physical objects is supported by the (fully canon) Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Landing at Point Rain", in which Anakin was seeing running through a ray shield along with clone troopers1:
This shield is described as a ray shield in the episode description:
...On Geonosis, Separatist leader Poggle the Lesser, safe in his newly ray-shielded factories, creates thousands of terrible new weapons which march off the assembly line against the outnumbered clone army...
Ray shields' inability to block physical objects is also supported as a major plot point in A New Hope during the Battle of Yavin briefing:
DODONNA: The target area is only two meters wide. It's a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port. The shaft leads directly to the reactor system. A precise hit will start a chain reaction which should destroy the station. Only a precise hit will set up a chain reaction. The shaft is ray-shielded, so you'll have to use proton torpedoes.
The Rebels needed to use proton torpedoes (as opposed to, say, the X-Wing's four blaster cannons) because proton torpedoes are physical objects:
Hence, the Death Star was only destroyed because its ray shielded thermal exhaust port was vulnerable to physical proton torpedoes.
How were Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Palpatine physically impeded by the Separatist ray shield when the plot in two other canon sources depended on ray shields' inability to block physical objects (including humans)?
Note that this question is not tagged with star-wars-legends -- I have provisionally accepted the Legends answer, but I am still looking for a canon answer.
1 GIF taken from 15:44 of this Youtube video.