In addition to the two prime TV shows, CW Seed has produced a short web animated series called Vixen that occurs within the Arrowverse. (Oliver, Barry and Cisco appear and their CW actors do the voices).

Is there any indication, either within the show or Word-of-God, indicating where this show takes place within the timelines of the shows? The best I can tell is that it doesn't happen during Oliver's time with the League of Assassins, because he's not wearing League armor.

1 Answer 1


From Marc Guggenheim's interview :-

Coming next month, we've got Vixen...but it's clearly not taking place next month. When is that series happening, relative to the other CW series, considering that we see Ollie in the old suit and everything?

Yeah, it basically takes place around Episode 315 or 316 of Arrow, in that timeframe. We were shooting 314 when we wrote Vixen so we sort of tied it to the continuity not of when it ultimately came out because that would require us projecting very, very far into the future, but we just committed to our timeline of around when we were writing it.

We knew, of course, at that point that Oliver would be going off to the League of Assassins and changing his costume as a result, so this takes place just right before that.

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