Many characters die in comicbook movies and shows, only to come back to life later, in some form or another. Which one stayed dead for the longest period of time.
To qualify, the character must:
- Must have existed in the show/movie before death.
- Have been implied dead.
- Come back to life (Any form of resurrection is accepted including was-never-dead.)
- Return in the same franchise (Dying Flash to come back in Arrow is fine, dying in Avengers to return in X-Apocalypse is not.)
- Switching from a movie to a show is fine as long as they're in the same universe (e.g. Avengers and Agents of SHIELD)
- Time is measured in the real world, i.e. the difference in time between the release dates of the two movies/episodes.
- While any studio is okay, an ideal answer should also mention the longest for each major franchise (MCU, Fox, and CW)