In the Prequel Trilogy, all of the Jedi and Sith are incredibly acrobatic in their fights - jumping, flipping, weaving. Incredibly fluid in their motions. Even Yoda was jumping around like an oversized bullfrog.
However, in the Original Trilogy as well as in Episode VII, there is a lot less manoeuvrability. In Luke's case, he was trained only briefly by Obi-Wan, and then further by Yoda, where he focussed more on using the Force to control his body (flipping a bit, then doing handstands, etc).
But specifically in Episode VII,
while Rey had no training at all, Ben Solo was trained from a young age, and therefore far more adept with using his powers. While incredibly strong with the Force (being able to stop a laser bolt mid-air, and use the Force to overcome serious damage from Chewie's Bowcaster),
are these powers coming from sacrificing other abilities? If so, is it merely because of incomplete training that led to the different focus of Force application, or is there another reason?