This is almost precisely what occurs in the new (canon) Star Wars novel "Tarkin". An interdiction field is used to disrupt a hyperspace shipping lane and a bunch of ships drop out of hyperspace on top of each other. The results range from simple glancing impacts to two of the of larger ships becoming embedded in another.
That being said, none of the ships disappear in the traditional cloud of radiation, so the most likely answer to your question is that two ships don't appear to be able to precisely occupy the same space in hyperspace, any more than they can occupy it in realspace.
Close to the Interdictors, ships began to appear where there had only
been star-filled space. Tarkin turned from the forward bay and
stumbled back to the data pit to study the magnified view on one of
the screens. First to drop out of hyperspace was an outmoded,
saucer-shaped YT-1000 freighter, followed by two angular transports
and a lustrous space yacht. Then another freighter winked into
visibility, followed by two passenger vessels.
Abruptly, Tarkin felt as if he’d been shoved toward the rear of the
bridge. With the interdiction field neutralized, the ships that had
been caught in the invisible web began to whirl out of control. Two of
the ships collided and drifted out of view. The magnification screen
showed the sublight engines of other ships flashing, but the ships
barely had a chance to flee or correct their spins when the field
re-initiated, capturing them once again. Tarkin spread his legs wide
in an effort to balance himself; then his eyes went wide as well as he
turned to face the viewports. Listing on its port side, an enormous
ship that more resembled something grown than built decanted,
broadsiding the Detainer CC-2200 before careening into a spin that
left its dorsal surface impaled on the Interdictor’s sloping bow.