There's a story where humanity is an experiment of a robot intelligence from outer space (maybe from the center of the Galaxy, I'm not sure), I'd read this around 7-10 years ago. Said intelligence some day moves most of humanity to two other planets, where warlike civilizations emerge (they also try to reclaim the Earth at some point in the book). Those left behind develop ability to space travel without tools or anything (and, if memory serves, become immortal or very long-lived). There's also a group of Christian robots that've taken humanity's mantle of believing in God. The book ends with one of the believer robots having faith crisis over the aforementioned intelligence.
The author compares at some point humanity to a bacteria strain that was moved from one Petri dish to another - the main population keeps its properties, the leftovers mutate into something else.
The book itself didn't appear either too worn-out or freshly printed, so I'd estimate 80-s as printing period.