I'm trying to find a "choose-your-own-adventure" type book I read as a kid in the early or mid 1990's in Canada. Here's what I remember:
About the book itself
- Large trade-paperback format, and fairly thin (I'd say maybe 40 pages or so).
- More art-heavy than text; each page had a full-page image.
- The book itself, as well as three similar books (all SF, with a similar art style) were advertised on the back.
About the story
The villain was a space pirate leader who looked a lot like Darth Vader (black armour, cape, etc.)
Spacecraft were referred to as "space junks" - its where I first heard of that type of craft. Unfortunately, searching google for this term doesn't give me any useful results.
There was a black swamp alien that had tentacles and a head on a long neck, with red eyes facing in all directions. One choice you could make was to shoot its tentacles or its head.
There was a really old space pirate, with a white beard and visored helmet you had to "fight".
There was a space dungeon with several aliens chained to the wall. There was a human space prince in a forcefield you had to rescue.
I had this books for years, but I had accidentally donated it to a used bookstore a while back. Thanks in advance for any help identifying this.