As a child in the 80s I had a book about a space faring rock band that I really loved the cover artwork for, and would love to see again. They travelled in a ship that had sails, which I think were powered by solar radiation or something similar.
I think it was part of a trilogy, but I may be wrong and more books may have been published in the series.
The band had four members who were all Caucasian teenagers, and I think one was female. They played strange looking instruments on one of the book covers. The cover I’m thinking of has an image of the space ship they flew in which was golden and looked like a yacht.
The title of the series may have been something like Somebody and the Starjammers. Something similar to star jammers.
The ship resembles the one used by Count Dooku in Star Wars.
The books were probably published around the mid 1980s, I also had a copy of Casca: The Warlord with a blue cover around the same time.