For years I have been looking for a series which I saw one episode of when I was sick at home as a kid around 6-7 years ago. It was (I think dubbed) German if that somehow helps!
The show was about a teenage boy who wore some glove with slots in it. And for every slot there was a magic stone which each gave the wearer certain powers. From my memory it was very much like Marvel's Infinity Gauntlet but less powerful and as a cartoon series. This boy (if I remember correctly) used the powers of the glove to capture roaming monsters.
I remember parts of the episode I watched:
- It was about that boy
- I think he had some other character like father or uncle or something who had shelves with all the captured monsters in jars
- Now that episode there were 1-2 'mind monsters' who could mind control normal people
- They probably were captured in a previous episode
- In this one they escaped because someone accidentally came too close and was brainwashed
- So I think the boy had to catch them again after they escaped but I remember at the end there was another kid with the same incomplete glove
- Now that I think about it it all seemed to be some kind of training to earn/control the different stones and their powers