It seems like in Tron and Tron Legacy the identity discs always return to their thrower. Regardless of how many times they ricochet or which direction they travel.
Will the disc always return to the thrower (owner)?
Yes, they do so in both TRON (1982) and TRON: Legacy (2012). It's the same in every media I know about, the disc always return to its owner.
Video-game Discs of TRON has a slight variation since you got 3 discs and they shatter when they hit the enemy. The discs appear to somehow return to the player's possession as you could always throw 3 of them no matter how many shatter.
In TRON 2.0, it plays an important part in gameplay. Since the disc also serves as blocker, you are defenceless when you throw your disc and you have to wait for its return before throwing it again. But this changes when you get other weapons and upgrades. If I remember correctly, you where even able to change the standard disc's trajectory after it was thrown, or even recall it, which imply some kind of remote control.
Also, at some point in TRON: Uprising, Season 1 Episode 3: The Renegade, Part 2, Beck and Cutler throw theirs disk but mix them on catching, they immediately switch them back when they notice theirs mistake. This imply the disk don't automatically return to the thrower if they are intercepted.
if disk_distance > too_far_for_my_liking: return disk