'Light' as a concept seems confusing, since it can possibly encompass (or just be supplied in varying amounts by) Eru's Flame Imperishable, the Lamps of the Valar, the Two Trees, the Silmarils, the sun and moon themselves (only literal light?), the high elves (particularly the amount they're said to have absorbed from the Trees), and possibly even have something to do with the Rings of Power (as surmised from their superficial conceptual similarity to the Silmarils).
Do you think it's possible these concepts (except maybe literal visible light?) are therefore unified as forms/derivations/grades of the Flame Imperishable?
P.S. To further complicate matters, why does Tolkien insist on their being 2 "flavors" of light always on prominent display for the entirety of Arda, as noted by the duality of the Lamps, the Trees, and the sun and moon? The latter of course corresponds to day cycles, which are intuitively familiar, but still technically unaccounted for (particularly for the "magical light" context).
Edit: Some clarification of this matter can be found here: If the Lamps of Valinor enabled the Spring of Arda, is their light derived from the Flame Imperishable (Secret Fire)?