Some time between 2005-2008, I watched a movie involving big gundam robots (my parents had a DVD if it, so it could be a good deal older). I do not recall much, I’m mainly going off a picture I drew at the time:
In the middle left is a red robot. I believe it was “discovered” first (in fact, I think in the first scene movie, some characters stumbled across it in like a cave or canyon or something). It looked a good deal like Optimus Prime if memory serves me right.
In the upper middle is a green robot with a red visor, and I think a red spiked mohawk (kind of like a dragon or stegosaurus, but restricted just to the head). It had a bazooka and shot its fist out at some moment. I believe it was evil, and came from space. It definitely blew up a city at some point.
Third, in the lower right is a white robot. I think it had a battle axe, and its head was noticeably rounder than the others. I don't remember much about it.
I think everything else was probably just creative liberties that are not relevant.