This is an old episode of some sci-fi series: humans are fighting aliens in space, and at the end of the battle only one human remains in a spaceship going to the main planet of the aliens. At the end he drops a bomb to destroy the alien planet and realizes too late that the aliens sent him back to Earth instead of their planet.

Does it ring a bell to someone?

  • 1
    Welcome to SciFi.SE! Can you recall in which year you watched this? Can you remember any details with regards to the main cast and characters?
    – fez
    Commented Nov 17 at 6:57
  • 3
    Sounds a bit like a classic Outer Limits or Twilight Zone plot twist.
    – Mario
    Commented Nov 17 at 7:13

2 Answers 2


This is following episode of "The Outer Limit" series:

S. 2.E. 18 The Light Brigade


  • 1
    Beaten to it...
    – Jontia
    Commented Nov 17 at 7:30
  • 3
    Stupid Wesley.!
    – Moriarty
    Commented Nov 17 at 20:50
  • @Moriarty personally, I blame the scriptwriters. Those are some disturbed people. Commented Dec 3 at 2:34

This is the outer limits episode The Light Brigade featuring Wil Wheaton.

The ship is on a mission to destroy the aliens' home planet, however some of the crew are secretly members of the alien race. After a series of revelations, betrayals and counter-betryals Wil manages to reach the firing controls and drop the bomb.

He then opens the window to find himself looking at Earth.

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