Such a thing is probably possible
While we have never seen mind control, per se, exerted over anything approaching interplanetary distances, we have seen several related mental abilities used thus.
We see that Darth Sidious is able to reach out mentally to Darth Vader, while the former is on Coruscant and the latter near Galidraan III.
Sidious swiveled toward the tinted windows, behind which the sky above
and Coruscant below were the color of ash. Narrowing his gaze, he
reached out for Darth Vader, whom he sensed was observing the holovid,
as well.
Yes, Lord Vader, Sidious sent through the Force, you shall have your
Further, Darth Sidious and Count Dooku were able to mount a mental assault on Yoda1 when they were on Coruscant, and he was on Moraband.
Sidious and Dooku sent Force visions to break Yoda’s will, in the hope of eliminating an obstacle to Sidious’s ascension.
On the one hand, they were aided by Dooku’s connection to Yoda, who had been his master; on the other, Yoda was a very powerful Jedi, and thus presumably difficult to influence. Affecting an ordinary individual from afar might be easier, but would still likely require some connection or knowledge of their location. Being in communication with someone could well provide an advantage, either by providing a greater connection, or by providing knowledge of their location.
The usual provisos apply, of course: mental attacks over great distances are probably a lot harder than similar efforts against nearby targets, which is likely why we see only the most powerful Sith Lord (Sidious) using them.
1: The Clone Wars: “Sacrifice”