Although it is true that Agardians have superior strength (among other things) to humans, in biology, even if through some advanced tech, if the progeny created from a union (say, an asgardian and a human) is fertile, i.e., can naturally bear children, then there is a very high chance they belong to the same species. In fact, this is the number one indicator that they are of the same species. If this is the case with human Asgardian hybrids, then if they are not of the same species, then they are still connected to each other greatly somehow.
If this Andromeda or Perseus (who have been mentioned by the first answer-er to this question) have ever had children with anyone (preferably with zero involvement of advanced biotech or magic), then that is evidence for the whole they're superhumans rather than "gods, whom we have little to nothing in common with".
One answer-er mentioned how humans and Asgardians couldn't crossbreed via "normal means"... That is not true. They can and they have. There have been Asgardians married to humans before because there is record of Asgardians looking for golden apples to prolong their spouse's lives. Even Thor mentioned wanting a golden apple for Jane for this purpose, and I'm pretty sure they cross bred via "normal means" all the time. Did I mention that Thor had a lot of "quality time" with many Earthen women, namely from Viking villages?