In the TNG episode "Sarek", Ambassador Sarek arrives on the Enterprise-D with a small entourage that includes a Terran male named Ki Mendrossen, who introduces himself to Picard and Riker as Sarek's Chief of Staff.
Is Mr. Mendrossen a human who has studied the teachings of Surak? Mendrossen is quite rigid for a human and he betrays no emotion (or very little emotion) in his dealings with Sarek's group and with the Enterprise crew. Furthermore, he wears a Vulcan ceremonial sash and a Vulcan-style tunic / robe. Perhaps these features are simply part of the procedure one must follow when working amongst Sarek's staff, regardless of his or her own culture. Also, they might simply be the result of working on Vulcan for many years.
Still, I am curious about humans who have studied Vulcan teachings and abide by their way of life (in-universe). Is there further evidence that Mendrossen is one such person?
There exists a Memory Alpha article regarding Mendrossen, but it contains little information other than what is in the episode itself.