Linked Questions

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How did humans end up in space if Star Wars is set in the past? [duplicate]

I’m of the understanding that the canon Star Wars movies are set in the relative past (18th and 19th century in our time). Yet looking up the biographies of characters like Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan ...
Martin Bean's user avatar
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How can Star Wars have humans if it happens a long long time ago? [duplicate]

Why does Star Wars say "a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away?" Besides sounding like a fairytale beginning, does it have any literal truth in the series or the canon? I mean, humans prominently ...
Gregory Magarshak's user avatar
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Do Humans Exist on Earth at the time of Star Wars? [duplicate]

The very first thing we saw in 1977 at the beginning of a New Hope was "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..." It tells us that Star Wars of course takes place in the past. How long ago in the ...
Him_Jalpert's user avatar
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Are human-like characters shown in star wars humans? [duplicate]

The characters played by humans (eg. Luke, leia, solo etc) in star wars are Homo sapiens or any other species? If they are homo sapiens then how could they exist in a galaxy far far away? Did we ...
user74742's user avatar
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Is the Rebellion really good? [closed]

The Rebellion seems to me to be just as bad as the Empire. They may not have the true evil members like Palpatine, Vader, etc. But it seems that they consistently engage in tactics that result in the ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Has any reference been made to Earth or the Milky Way in Star Wars EU?

Have any references ever been made to the existence of Earth, our solar system, or the Milky Way anywhere in Star Wars Legends? EDIT: Following @Trader's answer, I wanted to point out that "A long ...
Suman Roy's user avatar
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How is Luke Skywalker blond?

As many of you may know, Luke Skywalker has long, wavy golden blond hair (just like me). But as others of you may know, his parents, Padme and Anakin, both had darker brown hair. So how did Luke get ...
Stainless-Steel's user avatar
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Has the Star Wars universe caught up to our time?

Star Wars is set "a long time ago", but I know there have been an expanded universe. Has that universe's time caught up to our time line yet?
OghmaOsiris's user avatar
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What species is this alien Jedi that looks like a tiger?

This answer shows an alien Jedi(?) which looks like a Bengal Tiger. Click image to enlarge. I have never seen such a species in the entire Star Wars franchise. Was it as rare as Yoda's? What in-...
Doctor Doom's user avatar
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Is there a human home planet?

Did all the humans in the Star Wars universe originate on a single planet some time in the distant past, or did they originate on different worlds and intermix into one species over millenia? This is ...
Timpanus's user avatar
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Are the humans in the Star Wars Galaxy really humans?

Related: Why are there humans in the Star Wars Universe? This is a subtly different question because I'm not asking whether there's a historical relationship between the two lineages. I am asking this ...
ThePopMachine's user avatar
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Are Anakin and Padme the same species?

I see no reason they should be (they come from different planets), but if so, how can they have children?
Baruch's user avatar
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Did Ezra Bridger's eyes change color?

In Star Wars: Rebels we meet a character named Ezra Bridger. At first his eye color appeared to be an unnatural purple color. Other viewers have also noticed and commented on his purple eyes: In ...
RedCaio's user avatar
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Did "Near-human" "related" species evolve from a common ancestor?

StarWars wikia is somewhat unclear here. It says Near-Human was the general term for any of the many species or subspecies in the galaxy which were very closely related biologically to baseline ...
zipquincy's user avatar
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Star Wars: Possible reference to our Solar System?

Star Wars: Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse, by Troy Denning, page 183: ...But it was the panels between the arches that put a flutter in Raynar's stomach. The images depicted the grandeur of deep ...
VerpinZal's user avatar
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