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Questions tagged [destiny]

For questions about "Destiny," released 2014, is a science-fantasy video game.

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Why did the Vex simulate the future when Atheon is Time's Conflux?

Atheon, Time's Conflux, controls the flow of time throughout the collective Vex mind from inside the Vault of Glass on Venus. The Infinite Forest is a world-sized "computer" capable of incredible ...
Cole Simchick's user avatar
5 votes
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Why didn't Quria, Blade Transform, decide to introduce a Hive worm into its mind fluid?

An excerpt from the Books of Sorrow, Verse 4:9 "open your eye : go into it": Quria captured some worm larvae and began experimenting with them. Soon Quria, Blade Transform manifested religious ...
Cole Simchick's user avatar
2 votes
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In the Destiny universe, are the Hive Worm Gods synonymous with the Ahamkara?

In most Grimoire regarding the Ahamkara, they are described as a large, dragon-like species with wish-granting powers regarded as "magic" by those who encounter them. Despite their ability to grant ...
Cole Simchick's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

The Traveler: Good or evil?

The video game Destiny is a great game, but doesn't do much for the player in the story. I remember seeing a YouTube video that postulated that the Traveler might actually be the bad guy in the video ...
Andrew Davidson's user avatar
10 votes
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How exactly did the Traveler originally assist humanity?

In the video game Destiny, the Traveler is described as assisting humanity and ushering them into their Golden Age. During this Golden Age, humanity had incredible technological advancement, and were ...
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