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12 votes
1 answer

Movie where a woman in an apartment experiments on corpses with a syringe, learns to possess people, and then takes over the protagonist's girlfriend

The movie seems to take place in an apartment with a man and a woman, likely his wife or girlfriend; I can't remember. The villain, a different woman, is taking the bodies of people who died in the ...
user202129's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Guard mind controlled to "shoot the driver"

A memory recently popped into my head of a scene from a movie or TV show where a passenger in a vehicle mind controls someone else into shooting the driver, using the exact phrase "shoot the ...
MJD's user avatar
  • 268
15 votes
1 answer

A fantasy movie with two races, "Big Ones" (=us) and smaller ones, about saving a newborn baby from a cruel queen

I watched this movie on French TV about 30 years ago. It was in French, but obviously dubbed from English. There were two races (in the sense of Tolkien), Big people (us) and smaller people whose ...
Alfred's user avatar
  • 25.9k
10 votes
0 answers

1980's sci-fi cop movie with a smart house that uses sound to immobilize intruders

I'm looking for a specific movie I think from the 80s. I can only remember one scene. The set up (as much as I can remember): set in the future, a man on the run who I think is a current day police ...
Andyph85's user avatar
  • 101
12 votes
1 answer

Comedy/Sci-Fi movie about one of the last men on Earth living in a museum/zoo on display for humanoid robots

And I'm back with another story ident Pretty sure it's a movie No idea when I watched it I only remember one scene, and it's a guy trapped in a room (bad artist's rendition below) Guy collects toys ...
Whale's user avatar
  • 459
15 votes
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Help identifying a late 70s/early 80s android made-for-TV movie

This one has been bothering me for years. I believe it was the very early 80s (but could be late 70s) because it's in my memory along with This House Possessed, which took me a long time to find. My ...
Searching's user avatar
  • 153
14 votes
1 answer

What is inscribed in the One Ring in Khraniteli?

It looks as if the producers of Хранители, the (extremely loose) unauthorized 1991 Leningrad Television adaptation of The Lord of the Rings, used a random gold ring to represent the Ring. At about ...
Spencer's user avatar
  • 16.4k
13 votes
1 answer

Movie about a post apocalyptic world with a scorching hot sun

I remember there being a lot of robots cause they can survive in the heat, there was def a robot dog Humans die if they go out in the heat too long I think MC dies but not sure, a tennis ball is ...
Whale's user avatar
  • 459
10 votes
1 answer

Fantasy movie including magical mirror and evil wizard [duplicate]

From vague childhood memories: a fantasy movie in a medieval setting, where an evil wizard uses a mirror to transform people in evil counterpart. When such a transformed person then stands in front of ...
tabilumi's user avatar
  • 111
8 votes
1 answer

Movie about an alien takeover of Earth handled through separate steps [duplicate]

This movie didn't quite have a straight up alien invasion. The aliens' plan of action went thusly: First, a global EMP blast would disable most of the world's electronics. Then, they would use their ...
user73910's user avatar
  • 4,177
11 votes
2 answers

Movie / TV show where main character has a metallic skull

From a childhood memory: Format/Look Movie or TV show. I remember it looking "old", but it was in colour. In my memory, orange/brown colours dominate, so it looked 1970s or earlier. I saw it ...
bolla's user avatar
  • 213
29 votes
1 answer

Sci-fi movie that starts with a man digging his way out of a crashed spacecraft and promptly being torn in half

I broke my leg as a kid and my parents dropped me off at a movie house that showed 3 movies back to back. My dad pulled me out of the 3rd movie and I never got to finish it. It started with a space ...
The Six Million Dollar Man's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Movie with a girl watching a magical horse or unicorn

When I was younger I remember watching a movie about a unicorn/horse (can't remember which one) but all I remember about it is a girl looks out her window and sees a horse and then I think the horse ...
Mr Memoo's user avatar
  • 109
1 vote
0 answers

Old anime where a cop puts an injured woman into a machine to revive her

I'm looking for a movie that starts off with the finding of a young woman, beaten and nearly dead. The cop puts her into machine to revive her against orders and so he fights an assassin in many ...
William S's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Movie where people need to find a device of a philosopher from ancient Rome or Greece

I’m looking for a movie I watched a while ago. From what I remember there’s a guy and a girl who together with an older man have to find the tomb, and a device of a philosopher (or something like that)...
Benjos's user avatar
  • 57
7 votes
0 answers

Animated (anime?) series or movie with human heroes using laser guns that can merge beams and enemies with white masks

I am pretty sure I watched an anime series episode (or an anime movie) with human heroes that were using laser guns against enemies that were alien creatures or robots with white masks. The masks were ...
Grumpy PePe's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Looking for a black and white tv episode or movie that ends with the woman might be a vampire about to bite the man

I'm looking for an old tv show or movie, I think in black and white, possibly post-apocalyptic. Throughout the story someone might be a vampire, but we are not sure. In the end we see the man and ...
Maialideth's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Virtual Reality developer jumps from high-rise building

Period approx. 2006-2018 ... approximate action: Young adults develop a program for virtual reality. There are negotiations with Asian-looking businessmen. One of the developers (male) jumps from the ...
BwL's user avatar
  • 384
16 votes
1 answer

Movie about a stranded colony ship

I saw a space/sci-fi movie on Nexflix 5-10 years ago, and I can't remember the name for the life of me. Details as best as I can remember are: The main character is a crew member on a colony ship. ...
user120675's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Movie where the humans go to the alien homeworld to defeat them [closed]

I watched a movie some years ago. In the movie the human race faces a threat from aliens, and decide to go to the aliens' home world to destroy them once and forever. This movie I am sure is a sequel ...
CaptainStark's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Film with a wizard and a cyclops?

What is the name of an old film where the main character's friend is a wizard/mage and they are chased by cyclops? It is for sure one of those sword-and-sandals or sword-and-magic films. In the film, ...
Jan K.'s user avatar
  • 173
11 votes
1 answer

1970s movie where a man kisses girl and the girl turns into a corpse

I remember having seen this on German TV in the beginning of the 1980s or maybe at the end of the 1970s. I'm pretty sure it was a movie originally shown in cinemas, so it must have been a few years ...
Frunobulax's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Movie from 80's- 90s where someone find a way (serum maybe ?) to live forever and sells it to rich people while charging them half their fortune

I remember that a guy invents or discover a way to live forever, maybe by a serum that gets injected into people. He meets rich, ultra rich people and sells them the solution at the price of "...
Julian's user avatar
  • 389
9 votes
3 answers

Movie about people living on spaceship, but unaware it's a ship

Some people found a big spaceship. When they go inside, they find that there are people living inside a big dome. The people thought that they were living on a planet and didn't know that they were ...
jayemike's user avatar
  • 109
8 votes
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Obscure sci-fi movie that featured synthetic human hearts that need regular replacement

This seemingly obscure film probably from late 80s to late 90s features a future society where synthetic heart replacements are common, and people must renew them periodically, especially if they ...
Vhin0's user avatar
  • 81
8 votes
3 answers

B-movie circa mid-80s about a guy with a motorcycle, possibly post apocalyptic

Saw this, or part of it, when I was a kid. I mostly remember the guy riding his motorcycle/dirtbike across vast expanses of barren land in a dreary, possibly foggy landscape. It's possibly set in the ...
pabasquito's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Post-apocalyptic movie where people can't or don't speak

I've seen the trailer but can't remember the title. It's a newer film (within the past 10-15 years I'd guess) and it seemed to be mostly set in the woods. As stated in title, people can't/won't/don't ...
pabasquito's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Sci-fi movie with a group of people trying to fix an old spaceship

The movie in question is early or mid 90's, I think. I saw it long ago on TV and it was live-action. A group of people are trying to fix an old battleship; the battleship was a spaceship, the last of ...
Demask1nos's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

High school movie/series; students with bats fighting monsters?

All the details are really fuzzy to me, it's been years since I watched the movie/series? So bad I can't even remember if it was a movie or series. I apologize in advance for being all over the show. ...
user196012's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Looking for a movie about humans being cloned to mine but are unaware

This was mentioned in a side conversation and this sounds interesting. Basically, it's a movie where humans (who are actually clones) are mining extraterrestrially. Whenever one of them dies, they're ...
Silvermidnight's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Show about an alien planet with repetitive color sequence movies

I'm trying to remember a movie/show where the main character is taken to an alien planet as an ambassador for Earth. While there he is getting to know the culture and in the process is shown one of ...
Alex Childs's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Horror from the 1970s

I'm trying to identify something I watched in Canada in the 1970s. It was either a film or an episode of a TV show and may have been in black and white. I think it was set in an old manor house (so ...
Adi's user avatar
  • 61
6 votes
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Movie about demons that turn children into more of them

I watched this movie over a decade ago. I remember that the movie starts with a man's family getting attacked by demons. His two children get dragged off underground and are never seen again. One ...
user73910's user avatar
  • 4,177
8 votes
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Looking for an older (but color) movie that ends with an evil scientist's laboratory being destroyed, perhaps by fire

This movie involves a young woman who is lured into transformation experiments (perhaps involving insects) being performed by an evil scientist. The movie setting was likely the 1970's. I seem to ...
Bob's user avatar
  • 141
9 votes
3 answers

Sci-Fi time from a child can be given to add time to their parent

Sci-Fi show: Time from a child can be given to add time to their parent. Everyone knows how much time they have from a watch received at birth.
Commodore John Barry AOH Hicks's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Movie about a man whose dreams alter reality [duplicate]

I've seen this movie in the 1990's. The man is under the care of a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist used a codeword antwerp in a hypnosis session. The man dreams that there are no racial tensions in the ...
jsotola's user avatar
  • 676
6 votes
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Show or movie where the main character is trying to save wild horses from an evil wizard

It is live action. The main character is female and likely a teenager or young woman. I watched this around 2007 in an elementary school ethics class, so it may have been made for educational purposes....
Gale's user avatar
  • 61
0 votes
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Which (probably sci-fi) movie end credits with gradually darkening alien landscape artwork throughout?

What I vaguely remember is that there is beautiful artwork of something like an alien planet terrain, on the sides of the screen (probably scrolling) with the credit text in between, and I think the ...
World of Depth's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Time loop movie where the loop is shrinking

I've seen the movie about ten years ago; so around 2014. Somehow, a time loop has started, maybe due to an experiment. The bad guy is a military official. The time loop shortens as the movie ...
jsotola's user avatar
  • 676
12 votes
1 answer

Horror film from the 60's that ends with the protagonist kissing a woman, who becomes a rotten corpse

It may have been a Vincent Price movie. At the end of the movie, the protagonist embraces and kisses a woman. He then pulls away from her and sees that she has become a rotting corpse.
Steve's user avatar
  • 121
15 votes
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50s B&W sci-fi movie about an alien(s) that was eventually killed by cars' headlights

I remember just a few parts of this movie that scared the bejeezus out of me as a kid. I last saw it again on TV probably 20 years later (about 35 years ago.) I swore I would remember the name of ...
Eric L's user avatar
  • 151
2 votes
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Horror movie where an eye is rolling down a corridor

This might be a tough one. I'm trying to remember a movie I saw part of when I was younger. The only thing I recall is a guy possibly strapped to a chair and having one of his eyes removed, and later, ...
Lucas Nobrega's user avatar
8 votes
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Trying to identify a 80s kids film: siblings in a big house, ghost of a teenage girl

As a kid in the 80s, I remember watching a film about siblings who go to stay/live in a big house. I’m not sure if they’re haunted by the ghost of a teenage girl or they befriend her? I think there ...
Scout's user avatar
  • 97
8 votes
1 answer

Horror / Thriller film with a mother and her baby surviving after a virus has turned people into zombie-like killers

I know that there's at least a dozen films with a similar premise, but I'm failing to find this one. I watched it somewhere in the last decade or so, probably somewhere around the 2010s as a DVD ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
  • 239k
13 votes
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80-90s Movie. Boy who is a test subject in a lab, free hand solves a maze puzzle

Movie probably from the 80s or 90s. The MC, a young boy (10-13?) is apparently a test subject in a lab, he can't leave. While doing some thing for entertainment, (Playing computer game, reading a book,...
NJohnny's user avatar
  • 13.5k
4 votes
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Horror mockumentary film from the 90s or 2000s involving a time traveling lake located by an abandoned farmhouse. I believe it was on Amazon Prime

I watched this movie on Prime sometime last year during Halloween but I cannot remember the name of the movie. It was about a guy and his wife who went to a picnic at this abandoned farmhouse; I think ...
HorrorHead's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Is there any direct evidence for or against the idea of an alternate ending to Big?

There have long been rumors about a supposed alternate ending of the 1988 fantasy movie Big, in which the adult female lead appears as a child in Josh's classroom (presumably after having made a wish ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 60.5k
7 votes
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Ghost film involving the background of scenes lining up to create the appearance of a person, and then that person moving

I watched a trailer somewhere in the last year or so for a horror/thriller film in English. The protagonist (female adult, unsure of the ethnicity) is being haunted, with the haunting manifesting ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
  • 239k
6 votes
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80's - 90's Sci-fi movie or mini tv movie 2 friends are in computer adventure game racing

I've tried to figure out this movie for 30 years or more. Somewhere in the early 90s all I can remember is an english sci-fi movie on local TV and there 2 boys (I think) inside a computer simulation/...
Sancho Menezes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Film involving Roswell crash involving aliens and human mercenaries who plan on using the base's atomic bomb to wipe out humanity but love happens

The TV Tropes page for Roswell That Ends Well mentions an unnamed film with a decently detailed summary: A TV movie involves a ship crashing near Roswell in 1947 with two Human Aliens and a number of ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
  • 239k

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