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Questions tagged [gi-joe-the-movie]

For questions about the 1987 movie "G.I. Joe: The Movie". Always use in conjunction with the [gi-joe] tag.

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7 votes
1 answer

Why didn't Cobra-La take more direct action at the end of the Ice Age?

In the 1987 animated film G.I. Joe: The Movie, we learn that the world was once ruled by creatures who were masters of organic, bio-mechanical technologies, and who were driven by the Ice Age into a ...
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5 votes
1 answer

Did Golobulus witness the exodus to the Himalayas?

In the 1987 animated film G.I. Joe: The Movie, Golobulus — the supreme leader of Cobra-La and the various creatures that inhabit it — uses the Web of Remembrance to explain to the human members of ...
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