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Questions tagged [red-dwarf]

For questions about the British TV science fiction sitcom "Red Dwarf" that first aired on BBC Two between 1988 and 1999, created by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor.

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4 votes
3 answers

Red Dwarf: time and space travel paradoxes in "Tikka to Ride"?

The Red Dwarf episode Tikka to Ride has confused me more than any previous episode: How was it possible for the crew to use the Time Drive to travel back to 1960's Earth, when in the previous episode,...
Meir Illumination's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Why did Lister bother painting Red Dwarf?

The Red Dwarf opening sequence shows somebody - presumably Lister - painting the ship. This seems bizarre. Everything about Lister's character suggests a predisposition towards laziness. He likes to ...
The Dark Lord's user avatar
11 votes
6 answers

Timeslides: Why didn't Rimmer disappear?

In the Red Dwarf episode, Timeslides (s3e5), Dave Lister changes his personal timeline so that he was never gets stranded on Red Dwarf. It's explained that this means they never rescued Kryten and the ...
AJFaraday's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Please identify the Red Dwarf character that dies writing his name on Earth

Although I've owned several copies of "Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers", I continue to loan them and never get them back. IIRC, there was a garbageman hovering above Earth(now the landfill for the ...
Major Stackings's user avatar