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15 is red territory, Dredd movie

There's a quote in the movie, I think it's Dredd speaking, but this computer-generated transcript isn't clear. : "Not so long ago there were three main gangs hustling for control of Peach Trees. ...
Pete's user avatar
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Why did Dredd not take the first cop's bullets?

The reason he didnt take the first judges ammo is because he didnt have time. Just before the first judge dies he gets onto his radio and tells his backup to "hurry". Then Dredd punches him ...
R. Emery's user avatar
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Was there an explanation to why other Judges helmets didn't interfere with Andersons psychic powers

She says that a helmet can interfere with her abilities, not that it consistently and completely blocks them. So even if it's not just psychological and even if the target wearing a helmet has the ...
smithkm's user avatar
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Is everyone in the justice department a Judge

As far as I can tell all Justice Department characters in the stories are Judges. However, some will be cadets (who are not full Judges) and there may well be staff like medical staff or cleaners etc. ...
mwarren's user avatar
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How old is Chopper?

He is at least 49 years old if he is still alive in Judge Dredd. Here is my calculation 2000Ad started in 1977 and it was the year 2099 in Judge Dredd. For each real year a year passed in Judge Dredd. ...
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