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33 votes

What was the first official film adaptation made of J.R.R. Tolkien's work?

The first official film adaptation of Tolkien's work was an adaptation of The Hobbit in 1967. Tolkien was previously approached twice about film adaptation rights to The Lord of the Rings in the late ...
ibid's user avatar
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30 votes

Miniseries in post-rapture US with good/evil conflict

It is definitely a The Stand based on Steven's King novel with the same title. There was no rapture - instead, a deadly biological weapon has been released which has killed 99% of the population (the ...
Yasskier's user avatar
  • 30k
27 votes

Radio Adaptation of Neuromancer

The Neuromancer radio drama was produced by the BBC World Service Radio Drama Department as a Play of the Week. It is an abridged, dramatized form of the entire book. It originally aired in two parts ...
Parker's user avatar
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18 votes

Why did the Beatles' proposal to make a Lord of the Rings movie fall through?

It's unclear whether the Beatles actually tried to acquire the rights, but at the time they announced their plans Tolkien's publisher was already in the middle of negotiating a contract with United ...
ibid's user avatar
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16 votes

Why have later books in the Wrinkle in Time series never got much attention or been adapted?

I do not have any official word from people who have adapted the first book, but as per my comment, A Wrinkle in Time is a weird book, often stated to be "unfilmable" and the sequels get ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
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12 votes

Have any of the stories in 'Expedition to Earth' been made into films?

Yes! The story 'Breaking Strain' was adapted into a film in 1994 under the title Trapped in Space Elements of the stories 'Encounter in the Dawn' and 'The Sentinel' ...
Valorum's user avatar
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10 votes

Miniseries in post-rapture US with good/evil conflict

This is undoubtedly "The Stand", based on the corresponding novel (?) by Stephen King.
PMar's user avatar
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8 votes

Why are there two completely different depictions of the Nazgûl and their flying mounts in the cartoon version of The Return of the King?

I don’t know why the animation does this, but the second character design seems pretty accurate to me, to how they are described when Frodo is wearing The One Ring. (For the Nazgûl themselves, the ...
Ben Murphy's user avatar
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8 votes

Why have later books in the Wrinkle in Time series never got much attention or been adapted?

In addition to Fuzzyboot's analysis there's a couple of other things playing against this Book series don't often get all their books made into movies. CS Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia (7 books) ...
Machavity's user avatar
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8 votes

Is the film 'A Quiet Place' based on the book 'The Silence'?

Not according to the scriptwriters of A Quiet Place. They claim (with some justification) to have begun outlining the script before 2012 and started writing their first treatments and drafts from 2013 ...
Valorum's user avatar
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7 votes

Is there going to be a film version of "Temeraire"?

Fox Studios currently hold the rights to the stories. They were considering an animated version of His Majesty's Dragon, but nothing has been forthcoming since this announcement in September 2022. ...
Valorum's user avatar
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7 votes

Was all the source material used up in The Handmaid's Tale season 1?

The following interviews with Bruce Miller, the show runner, seem to imply that they've used the major plot points though they may delve deeper into some small points in the book. Your ending of this ...
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
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6 votes

Is "The Titan" (2018) based on previous works?

I haven't read Man Plus either but I found something else. According to IndieWire (here), Max Hurwitz’s (Screenplay of the movie) script, based on the writer Arash Amel's idea with a slight change/...
Shreedhar's user avatar
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4 votes

Do monsters walk back through Town Portals in Diablo fiction?

In multiplayer in Diablo 2, access is party members only. Preventing those hostile to the caster from using the portal. An argument can be made for extrapolating from there that the portals can only ...
Ólafur Dagur Skúlason's user avatar
3 votes

What was the first official film adaptation made of J.R.R. Tolkien's work?

IMDB list of Tolkien credits. When you say "film" are you restricting it to cinematic movies? Do TV adaptations count? The earliest TV adaptation of The Hobbit appears to be a British ...
Pete's user avatar
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3 votes

Which character in a comic book adaptation returned after staying dead the longest?

If the Green Goblin from the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man trilogy counts, he was impaled and killed by the blades on his own Goblin Glider in the first film of that trilogy, Spider-Man, which premiered on ...
LogicDictates's user avatar
3 votes

Have any of Fritz Leiber's works been filmed or optioned for movies/TV?

Then there is this, a stop-motion rendition of Mariana:
Michael T's user avatar
3 votes

Do monsters walk back through Town Portals in Diablo fiction?

The lore indicates that these gates (or the practice to create the gates) were created by the Horadrim The Horadrim constructed numerous magical gateways between the mighty fortresses so that they ...
Ben's user avatar
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3 votes

Has Tolkien's estate ever sold the rights to adaptations of any Tolkien works?

Yes The 1981 BBC radio adaptation of The Lord of the Rings was licensed directly from Allen & Unwin, not the Middle-earth Enterprises The idea of doing The Lord of the Rings as a dramatized radio ...
ibid's user avatar
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2 votes

Why does Tiny Ron wear a prosthetic face mask as Lothar?

Short Answer: I have found many internet references to Tiny Ron being made up to resemble Rondo Hatton. It is also claimed the character Lothar is from the Rocketeer comics where Lothar's look was ...
M. A. Golding's user avatar
1 vote

Has Tolkien's estate ever sold the rights to adaptations of any Tolkien works?

It is interesting to note that once upon a time, the Tolkien Estate was much more generous with the license than they have been Post Jackson. For instance , ICE received the okay to publish ...
Soy Frappe's user avatar
1 vote

What are the TV/movie Discworld adaptations?

Going to IMDB and entering Terry Pratchett's name will get you a list of everything - existing and proposed - that he has written. You've listed most of them. British DVDs will not play on most North ...
DJClayworth's user avatar
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