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10 votes

Short story that might be the basis of the Humans TV show

One of the few robot stories from the golden age that wasn't written by Asimov, this is Compassion Circuit by John Wyndham. Well, I think so, though the story differs in some respects from your ...
John Rennie's user avatar
5 votes

Robot programmed to yearn to serve humans

Another possible is "Masters of Space" (1976) by Everett Evans and E. E. Doc Smith. A human exploratory ship discovers a planet of humanoid robots created by a vanished human civilization. ...
OmnivoreNZ's user avatar
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Robot programmed to yearn to serve humans

Possibly duplicate of this question: Story about a young girl raised/created by robots The accepted answer there is: The short story "Instinct" by Lester del Rey (first published in ...
jo1storm's user avatar
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4 votes

In the TV series Humans, what was the point of Anita/Mia taking Sophie outside in the Rain?

The flashbacks or nightmares that Mia had surrounded the time she saved Leo from his mother's deliberate attempt to kill him and herself. Leo had technically died, but his father was able to bring him ...
Mike's user avatar
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3 votes

Why do synths have individual appearances?

Odds are they're not all completely different, just diverse enough to make seeing identical models less likely. Look at, to pick an example, Cabbage Patch Kids. With only a relatively small ...
VBartilucci's user avatar
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3 votes

Tv Series (Humans) - Do I have a False Memory?

I only saw the first season, and I don't remember that scene, I think you have false memory :) I don't think it is from the second season, as Mia take control of the body at the end of first season, ...
Perostek Balveda's user avatar
2 votes

Robot programmed to yearn to serve humans

Possible the story you are looking for is "The Defenders". "The Defenders" is a 1953 science fiction novelette by American author Philip K. Dick, and the basis for Dick's 1964 ...
ErenDYeager's user avatar
2 votes

Differences in appearance between synths and humans

They did not use contact lenses (out of universe) in Humans. Here is the info on the VFX technique used according to Chris Fry, the series producer. I looked into two options: contact lenses or doing ...
Marc Keeling's user avatar
1 vote

Why do synths have individual appearances?

Within the show, there are a number of in-universe explanations we are given to explain why synths look so different. I am going to address these in chronological order, breaking down the evidence ...
Mikasa's user avatar
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In the TV series Humans, what was the point of Anita/Mia taking Sophie outside in the Rain?

My impression was that she was sleepwalking, since the narrator overlay was asking/discussing whether synths dream and Anita was simultaneously having flashback/dream flashes of the drowning incident. ...
Carolyne Parsons's user avatar

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