I was perusing the site, and it suddenly occourred to me that I don't remember any scenes from TNG with people floating around in microgravity, spacewalks or otherwise.
Are there any? Or was convincing zero-g effects too difficult for the time?
I was perusing the site, and it suddenly occourred to me that I don't remember any scenes from TNG with people floating around in microgravity, spacewalks or otherwise.
Are there any? Or was convincing zero-g effects too difficult for the time?
Yes, this guy. A Romulan is shown free-floating in space after La Forge pushes him through the hull in the TNG episode "The Next Phase".
In the TNG-era film First Contact, Picard floats in space from one side of deflector dish to the other, when he turns off the magnetism on his boots.
(In a later film, Nemesis, the Enterprise bridge itself is torn open during battle and an officer is sucked out into space. It would be difficult to call this floating or walking, however, given the forces involved.)
After looking at each other and La Forge proudly nodding to him, La Forge activates another force field between him and Data, and then as Data runs toward the hole in the ship, La Forge deactivates that force field which, as he leaps, blows Data out of the Enterprise and Data flies toward the Scimitar. When he reaches it, he grabs hold and activates a hatch, allowing him access.
Does Deanna Troi floating in Night Terrors count?
That's more of a dream sequence than reality but I think the intent is zero gravity. AFAIK, no one was really happy with these "convincing zero-g effects".
The DS9 Episode "Melora" revolved around an engineer from a low-gravity planet whose quarters had the gravity plating turned off. She and Dr. Bashir "danced" there.