Playing the Star Wars: Battlefront game, there is a level set on the forest moon of Endor. On this map, the Rebel forces have a massive advantage: they are wearing camouflage. Used correctly, this can introduce a huge imbalance to all engagements on this map. This got me to thinking. When Imperial Stormtroopers are first introduced in A New Hope, they are in a Marine-type role, being the first to board a ship against an opposing force and fighting their way to the bridge. The white with black highlights armor makes sense there. And it works fine in the next major engagement we see them in, on the ice planet Hoth. But when it comes to the Battle of Endor, it's apparent that they've been stationed there with at least Legion strength, long enough to establish a major garrison.
Why did no one in command requisition some form of camouflage uniforms? Is there an in-universe answer for this, or even a rational explanation? Maybe they thought they would never be challenged there, so why bother?