I have a dim memory of seeing a movie on a TV channel in the USA in or before 1968. My impression is that it was a space travel movie, but I also remember the characters using aqua lung equipment for diving, presumably in an alien ocean. It was in English or dubbed in English and seen on a black and white TV set.
The classic Czech science fiction movie Ikarie XB 1 is known in English as Voyage to the End of the Universe (1963). As I remember, the movie I watched was shown under a similar title to Voyage to the End of the Universe but did not look like the classic film.
I can't find any "Voyage" or "Journey" "to the End" or "To the Edge" titles that sound plausible made in or before 1968 in the IMDB.
So maybe I just dreamed that movie.
Is anyone familiar with a movie that fits my description? Was some title similar to "Voyage to the End of the Universe" a lesser known alternate title of a little known science fiction movie from 1968 or earlier? Could I have watched the real Voyage to the End of the Universe half asleep and missed all the stuff that made it a classic movie?
I had an account with Science Fiction and Fantasy Stack Exchange with the name M.A. Golding and user number 43538. Then a few weeks ago someone worked on my computer to make it work better. And then my account seemed to no longer exist.
Instead of automatically crediting my answers to my account the site no requires me to post as a guest every time. I can't create a new account because my email address is required and my email address is already registered to my previous account.
So I would be grateful if someone could straighten out my account situation.