I'm trying to find a manga I've read before. It's about a pair of assassins/mercenaries/hired killers (by their company).
- protagonist can kill someone just by looking at them
- his partner's personality resembles a (stray) dog's (male)
- protagonist has black hair, his partner has blond/light hair
- they met when they were children and fought each other and adults that where searching for the partner
- partner was "stolen" from his rich family by a dog (wolf) and was raised by it.
- the partner was homeless as a child but got food from the homeless old people
- the protagonist tried to quit once but was threatened
In the first chapter they jump off a building onto a car (after a crash?) at night. They kill their target but a bystander sees them and faints and is taken to the hospital. Not knowing what to do they take him with them until they get confirmation on whether to kill him or not.