Human civilization has disappeared but human artifacts are highly sought after because they are so advanced they can give the species that found it an immense advantage over other species in the Galaxy.
One such artifact is found and the crew tries to take it to their home planet but are chased by those who want to possess it. Turns out the artifact is a cryo chamber with a human in it.
He wakes up, realizes he is the last known human alive and that he has slept for 10,000 years. Nevertheless he decides he now represents humanity and he should reassert human rule over the Galaxy by calling on humanity's client civilizations.
Most of the action takes place on a ship thats being pursued by others.
Book was written in the last 10 years. I think the name of the author is something starting with I or Y Not a common name, makes me think author might've been Asian but might be wrong...
(as the device that makes photos) is just clipping ofcamera obscura
(lit. dark chamber), which was a primitive optical effect/device that led to developing of Photography. And in many other languages (that had latin/greek influence)camera