An alien craft lands, it's referred to by one scientist as a "cinder cone", an alien representative comes out and talks to humanity, but it was all a delay tactic. It was later discovered during an autopsy after this alien died of apparent natural causes that it looked as if the creature was not "designed" for a long was possibly manufactured to talk to humans.
Meanwhile other alien craft had descended into the oceans and huge amounts of oxygen were rising up from the sea. It was later discovered they were making atomic bombs and planting them all along the tectonic plates. Another species of alien was on Earth at the same time and had dispatched untold numbers of tiny robots which were seen by scientists in the story conducting research on life on earth to preserve as much knowledge about life here as possible, specifically in one instance one was dissecting a bird. Just before the bombs were set off, causing the plates to tilt up and be swallowed by the core killing all life on Earth, the second group of aliens gathered a small group of humans and gave them their own interstellar ship, not to save them but to give them the opportunity to seek out the race that destroyed Earth.
They did find it later and discovered this race sent out ships to planets with life in order to kill that life, so there would be less competition for resources in the universe!
I think there may have been more books later, making it a short series, but I only read this one. I read it back in high school in the 1980s. I think it was written in the early 1980s or even in the 1970s.