Isaiah Bradley was turned into a super-soldier using a serum based on the formula used for Steve Rogers.
Wikipedia explains:
When World War II begins, Koch takes over the German program and Josef Reinstein takes over the American program. Each attempts to recreate the super soldier serum which had previously turned Steve Rogers into Captain America a year prior to Pearl Harbor. Reinstein's early attempts to refine the formula are tested on African-Americans. Three hundred of these soldiers are taken from Camp Cathcart and subjected to potentially fatal experiments at an undisclosed location, as seen in Truth: Red, White & Black. Only five subjects survive the original trials. In the name of secrecy, US soldiers execute the camp's commander and hundreds of black soldiers left behind at Camp Cathcart. The government tells the families of the three hundred subjects that their loved ones had died in battle.
Not only was Bradley successfully turned into a super soldier, he was considered "The Black Captain America."
Nuke was also successfully* turned into a super-soldier using a serum similar to the one used on Rogers.
*Nuke was also insane, but his mental issues existed prior to the experimentation on him.
It should be noted that the Weapons Plus programs were born from the original super-soldier experimentation. Each of the programs was aimed at weaponizing or augmenting people in various ways, but not all of them involved serums, derived from Erskine's or not. There is some more information about this in "What happened to the first nine Weapon programmes?".