The Protagonist is a suave, charismatic young man and his girl, ending up being persecuted by a rigid dystopian future state. Some details I remember:
Featuring a possibly sympathetic military officer (who is an old family friend/acquaintance) driving a jaguar.
which gets hijacked on a highway by hooligans. Being military, it's got an emergency button calling in a gurkha special force unit in helicopters. The hooligans are heading straight for organ transplant vats.
There is a tea ceremony metaphor, illustrating the pathological state of today's job market - if you can cook tea perfectly in front of an auditorium of white-coats you get the coveted job of assistant to some secret guy.
on a motorbike, the young man and his girl head out of London north into the countryside, where life is still worth living and people are friendly.
on the way, they have to hide in some cave and sedate themselves to avoid detection by police and their brainwave scanners.
They also do some rite-of-passage by jumping through a ring of fire.
The young man and his girl head out of London north into the countryside, where life is still worth living and people are friendly.
This does not sound like sci-fi :)brainwave scanners
which I suppose is also not Sci-Fi?