As a way to make fitness more fun, I'm planning a virtual walk on the Death Star, tracking my distance/steps taken and mapping them out on a map of the Death Star, so that I can, for instance, walk the circumference, or the length of the trench run, or follow Luke's journey through the station from the moment they are pulled in by the tractor beam to the moment they escape. I'd like to track where on the station I am (for instance, when I'm at Detention Block AA-23, etc.)
For this, I'm looking for some (preferably canon) maps of the station, but they're hard to find, and Google seems to mainly return level maps from the Battlefront games. Is there a good resource out there to use? I'm willing to do some guesswork, but I'd like to make it as close as possible to canon as I can.
Are there detailed/canon maps of the first Death Star available anywhere?