It feels like the properties of hyperspace and hyperspace travel change depending on what's required to generate the most tension in the plot, but I'm wondering if there's any in-universe explanation about its properties.
For example, in Clone Wars S01E18, Anakin and Obi-Wan travel to Iego to get Reeksa root. The planet is "deep in Separatist space" and according to the map below, quite a long way from Naboo -
Yet Anakin and Obi-Wan get there pretty much instantly. You can tell because Ahsoka, Padme, Jar Jar and the clones are fighting droids in Dr Vindi's base, and send a transmission to Anakin and Obi-Wan which they receive after collecting the root.
However, in other episodes, ships don't arrive in time to support in battles because they have to plot long and complex hyperspace routes which take longer.
Is hyperspace consistent but dependant on routes, ship properties, type of hyperdrive, pilot skill, etc? Or is it is just altered depending on what best fits the plot?