In Normal Mailer's book "The Castle In The Forest" he explores the source of Hitler's evil. While it takes a while for him to get to the point he eventually concludes that (spoilers) the only two ingredients necessary are a large amount of pride and maybe a dose of ignorance. Everything else spawns from this. That is to say, a good person and an evil person can live nearly identical lives and the only difference between the two of them is a little pride or humility.
- Doctor Octopus - Kept insisting that his machine worked fine. (I'm trying to keep the spoilers down but we know what happened here.)
Even good characters can display moments of evil when they get a little prideful.
- Doctor Who - Decides for a moment that he can do whatever he wants and saves that woman from the mars expedition.
I was thinking that perhaps a good answer would be that most evil characters have one of the so called "7 deadly sins", but couldn't the first 6 be caused by the 7th, which is pride?
EDIT: I've accepted an excellent answer, but to narrow this down further let's ask if pride is what pushes evil characters to the very edge of the evil spectrum. Is it a necessary ingredient to make one a super villain?