In Age of the Five, by Trudi Canavan there Circlians have 5 gods. What are their names?

The Pentadrians also have 5 Gods, what are their names?

The names of the Gods are not in the glossary, and are only mentioned all together a few times in the books. On the Circlian side, I know one is Huan, who is mentioned alot, and another is Chaia. But the Pentadrian names are only mentioned like once.

1 Answer 1


The names of the Circlian gods are:

  • Chaia
  • Huan
  • Lore
  • Yranna
  • Saru

The names of the Pentadrian gods are:

  • Sheyr
  • Ranah
  • Alor
  • Sraal
  • Hrun

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