Linked Questions

5 votes
1 answer

Why can't the Jedi fly about? [duplicate]

It seems Jedis can use the force to lift really, really heavy objects (like entire spaceships for example). But when it comes to lifting their own bodies, they can only use the force to jump higher/...
Atsby's user avatar
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Why don't Jedi use the force to fly? [duplicate]

If Jedi can use the force to pick up very large objects while performing other actions, what prevents them from using their ability to pick themselves up and fly?
user43851's user avatar
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Are there any instances of a Jedi using the Force on themself? [duplicate]

The Force can be used for moving objects, including living animals. There are a few instances I can think of where the Force is used on a person, such as Anakin using the Force in Season 1, Episode 4 ...
LongLiveTheJedi's user avatar
70 votes
9 answers

Why did it seem like only Voldemort and Snape could fly?

In the seven books, flying is an ability we only see from Voldemort and Snape. Why is that so? and How do they do that? Moreover, why couldn't anyone in the Order of Phoenix fly?
ykombinator's user avatar
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30 votes
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Was E.T. a Jedi? [closed]

I came to this thought that E.T. was in fact a Jedi (or at least Force-sensitive) and the more I think about it, the more it seems possible. This would explain many things. First, we already know ...
DavRob60's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

Why Can Objects Fly and People (other than Dark Wizards) Can't?

While looking into broomsticks and their use in Harry Potter, I found that there was no spell or charm that would make a human fly. Originally, once they found ways to make objects fly, they needed ...
Tango's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Why Can't Palpatine and Maul use the Force to stop themselves from falling?

Palpatine tossed around Senate "pods" with no problem, Yoda picked up X-wings and such, and there are many other examples of pretty impressive levitation feats. So why couldn't Sidious/Palpatine stop ...
Iceman's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

How do saber-copters/Inquisicopters work?

Note: Possible spoiler for Star Wars Rebels season two finale. In the Star Wars: Rebels season 2 finale, Twilight of the Apprentice, we see the Inquisitors can fly with their lightsabers. How does ...
ibid's user avatar
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-1 votes
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What is the highest force self-propulsion performed in all of Star Wars?

From other questions here it has already been established that force users are able to use it to jump great heights and even fly, and perform all kinds of other "magical" feats. This got me wondering ...
Worse_Username's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why couldn't Palpatine force fly in Return of the Jedi? [duplicate]

In the Last Jedi There seems to be plenty of SW canon for force-flying here: Can the Force be used to fly? This post implies Vader didn't even use the force to throw Palpatine down the shaft: Did ...
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