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Questions tagged [the-real-ghostbusters]

Use for questions about "The Real Ghostbusters", the 1986 - 1991 animated TV series, that first aired on ABC. It is the spin-off series following the 1984 Ghostbusters movie.

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2 votes
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Which episode of The Real Ghostbusters showed them playing baseball in hell?

I have a very strong recollection of watching this as a child. The Ghostbusters get dragged into a game of Baseball played by the forces of Good and Evil. I think this was done in hell? The plot ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
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43 votes
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Are all instances of trolls turning to stone ultimately references back to Tolkien?

Are there any antecedents other than Tolkien for trolls turning to stone? When I was a kid, I remember trolls appearing in one of the earliest episodes of The Real Ghostbusters (the fifth episode &...
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