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12 votes

Did Edgar Rice Burroughs ever write a fictional work (novel, tale, etc..) depicting Tarzan on Mars?

No, Edgar Rice Burroughs did not write any stories about Tarzan on Mars. The appearance of that book plate his nephew designed is strictly allegorical, providing a visual collage of elements from the ...
Buzz's user avatar
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When will books by Edgar Rice Burroughs enter the public domain?

In the US According to this source, for works published between 1923 and 1963 where the copyright has been renewed, copyright expires 95 years after the publication date. From Wikipedia, "...
Ben Bolker's user avatar
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8 votes

Did Edgar Rice Burroughs ever write a fictional work (novel, tale, etc..) depicting Tarzan on Mars?

There is letter about the exlibris that was wrote by Edgar Rice Burroughs:
Oni's user avatar
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Who are the characters depicted in this ERB bookplate?

Unfortunately, Burroughs didn't describe many of his characters well, so it is difficult to identify them absolutely, with few exceptions. Partial answer: Besides Tarzan, the easiest to identify is ...
bob1's user avatar
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Rifle usage in Edgar Rice Burroughs Barsoom

There are remarkably few mentions of the rifles being used, and as far as I know none that feature the extreme range. In A Princess of Mars John Carter is attacked by Tharl warriors sent to capture ...
John Rennie's user avatar
3 votes

Did Edgar Rice Burroughs write physically strong women?

Not quite "physically strong" but competent and courageous I've always been a big fan of Thuvia from The Gods of Mars. She was kind of the odd woman out among the women of that story, compared to ...
kingledion's user avatar
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When will books by Edgar Rice Burroughs enter the public domain?

I notice there are some Barsoom books on Gutenberg in Australia if you are still interested:
Tim Hansen's user avatar
1 vote

Did Edgar Rice Burroughs write physically strong women?

Tavia from "A Fighting Man of Mars" is shown as a warrior near-equal to her male counterpart, Tan Hadron. While he does instinctively try to keep her from harm, he also would prefer none-other ...
MadMikeyD's user avatar
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Did Edgar Rice Burroughs write physically strong women?

I read most of his books many many years ago but still remember them. Most of the women in his books were physically strong. They tended to get kidnapped a lot but it was always by a group of men. ...
Thomas Davis's user avatar
1 vote

Did Edgar Rice Burroughs write physically strong women?

Possibly. From the Martian Chronicals, Deja Thoris "She plays the role of the conventional damsel in distress who must be rescued from various perils, but is also portrayed as a competent and capable ...
ivanivan's user avatar
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