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95 votes

When does the copyright on Isaac Asimov's works expire?

There are various terms for US copyright and when the works published in that situation nominally expire. However, since the 1980s every 20 years a new copyright extension act that includes all works ...
Yakk's user avatar
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82 votes

When does the copyright on Isaac Asimov's works expire?

This question is covered by the Asimov FAQ: All of Asimov's work, fiction and non-fiction, was under copyright at the time of the Good Doctor's death. Under current U.S. law, the copyrights for his ...
Ubik's user avatar
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78 votes

When will Harry Potter enter the public domain?

Objectively the answer to "will it enter public domain" is yes. According to The Duration of Copyright and Rights in Performances Regulations Act (1995), the Harry Potter books will enter the public ...
Valorum's user avatar
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66 votes

How is the Mary Poppins Sequel legal when the author denied a sequel?

Disney were keen to make a follow-up to Mary Poppins as early as 1982 but the movie ended up in a glorious legal mess because of legal clauses on both sides that required creative agreement from both ...
Valorum's user avatar
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65 votes

How can these unlicensed books about Middle Earth get published legally?

Although these books do seem to fall somewhere in the crack between outright infringement and fair usage David Day seems to be relying on a number of legal figleaves to protect himself: The books ...
Valorum's user avatar
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62 votes

Is it legal to use the word "hobbit" for a race of halflings in an original work?

"Hobbit" is a trademarked term by the Tolkien Estate. There is "prior art" in that the word didn't come out of nowhere, but Tolkien created a distinct identity for them. Quoting ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
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21 votes

When will Harry Potter enter the public domain?

When you extrapolate trends in copyright legislation, then Harry Potter won't ever enter the public domain, because it's not older than Mickey Mouse. For several decades the Walt Disney Corporation ...
Philipp's user avatar
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13 votes

Who owns the Star Wars Legends books?

Disney own the full rights, via their purchase of Lucasfilm Star Wars: Heir to the Empire is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are ...
Valorum's user avatar
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When will Harry Potter enter the public domain?

It's complicated The duration of copyright governed by the country of origin. This is the country in which it was first published (for books) or released (for films) or, if published/released ...
Dale M's user avatar
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Does Conquest's album "Frozen Sky" reference the "Forgotten Realms" books?

The image in question contains two cropped and heavily re-coloured pictures composited together; 'Red Wizard' by Fred Fields and 'Tower' by Ciruelo Cabral I've found a copy of the exterior of the CD ...
Valorum's user avatar
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11 votes

When will Harry Potter enter the public domain?

Other answers have covered the current copyright situation. It's important not to assume this will apply in future though. The Sonny Bono Act was explicitly enacted to prevent Disney's copyrights ...
Graham's user avatar
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10 votes

When will books by Edgar Rice Burroughs enter the public domain?

In the US According to this source, for works published between 1923 and 1963 where the copyright has been renewed, copyright expires 95 years after the publication date. From Wikipedia, "...
Ben Bolker's user avatar
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8 votes

When will copyright on Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson book series expire?

Some number of years years after he dies In the USA, that number is 70. However, copyright will last in other parts of the world for different times. Some countries subscribe to the rule of the ...
Dale M's user avatar
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Would it be legally possible to release a new Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit movie series, which instead of butchering the books actually honors them?

Generally, when someone buys the "movie rights" to a work, it's an exclusive deal, though often limited to a set period of time. So, to do something like this, one would need the cooperation ...
Donald.McLean's user avatar
4 votes

What is the original work used for the album cover of Endless Power by Conquest?

While searching for the image of the cover to use in the question, I happened across a page where someone had tracked uses of the original artwork. (Warning: that site contains some NSFW material as ...
SQB's user avatar
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Has Tolkien's estate ever sold the rights to adaptations of any Tolkien works?

Yes The 1981 BBC radio adaptation of The Lord of the Rings was licensed directly from Allen & Unwin, not the Middle-earth Enterprises The idea of doing The Lord of the Rings as a dramatized radio ...
ibid's user avatar
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3 votes

Have the writers of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds credited Ursula K. Le Guin?

Yes Kurtzman has commented on the story previously. But it was regarding the Kelpian that caused the burn in STD not this Strange New Worlds episode. Nitpicking Nerds'...
lucasbachmann's user avatar
2 votes

When will books by Edgar Rice Burroughs enter the public domain?

I notice there are some Barsoom books on Gutenberg in Australia if you are still interested:
Tim Hansen's user avatar
2 votes

What is the original work used for the album cover of Endless Power by Conquest?

Echoing SQB's excellent answer, this is a cropped, rotated and re-coloured version of the picture Draco Rex by artist Ciruelo Cabral. I've spoken with the artist (via email) and he is unaware of the ...
Valorum's user avatar
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Who currently owns the rights to the The 39 Clues movie?

As of 2015, Universal owns them, alongside most other Scholastic rights. But in 2015 - way later than the 2013 article you quoted. reported on the deal: Universal Pictures has inked a ...
TheAsh's user avatar
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Has Tolkien's estate ever sold the rights to adaptations of any Tolkien works?

It is interesting to note that once upon a time, the Tolkien Estate was much more generous with the license than they have been Post Jackson. For instance , ICE received the okay to publish ...
Soy Frappe's user avatar
1 vote

Is it true that the Daleks have to appear in every season of Doctor Who?

I'm going to try and address a number of points that have been discussed. To summarize, There is no definitive evidence that the Daleks are legally required to appear in every season. This implies ...
VBartilucci's user avatar
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