Jezero Crater Anywhere in RGB Mars Trilogy?
Jezero Crater is located at 18.38°N 77.58°E, right on the Edge of the Isidis Basin, which would become the Isidis Sea in the Mars Trilogy, in which Burroughs is submerged.
Compare the topographic Map ...
Did Kim Stanley Robinson plan out the entire Mars Trilogy from the start?
Yes and no.
It was planned to be a single novel at first, but grew into a trilogy. During writing research went on in parallel continuously.
When I started
writing it, I'd wanted it to be a big ...
Whatever happened to Hiroko Ai in Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy?
I think it's safe to say Robinson intentionally left it unanswered, though he I believe he had a most likely outcome in mind and tipped it off. It is significant that Hiroko had reached mythic status, ...
Whatever happened to Hiroko Ai in Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars Trilogy?
In the very end of the entire series - very end - Ann comes near to death, and then sees an older Asian woman flying a kite at the sea's edge.
This is only speculation, but there seemed to me an ...
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