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19 votes

Did Donaldson say anything about the similarities between "Thomas Covenant" and "Lord of the Rings"?

According to the Donaldson, Tolkien's works (which he's read and admires greatly) was an influence for own writings works, but certainly not the only or even a key influence. On several occasions he ...
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Is the 7th of the Seven Words ever revealed and what are their meanings?

“The first is melenkurion, which signifies bastion or source. The second is abatha, suggesting endurance, or the need for endurance. Third is duroc, a reference to Earthpower, the substance of the ...
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What is the actual time relationship between the Land and our Earth realities?

Thanks to Chris's comment that led to the interviews, of which I just now got around to exploring and found the answer (over a year later our time, or in terms of the Land, as this answer will show, ...
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5 votes

Which direction do the rivers run in The Land?

At the end of The Illearth War (Series 1, Book 2) we find that the Black River flows from the heart of Rivenrock past the Forest of Garroting Deep (although this is when Rivenrock shattered internally ...
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Was Elena ignorant or forgetful of "The Law of Death" when she performed her summoning?

I do not think this is ever specifically addressed, in any of the eleven books. It is thematically clear that Elena ought to have known better than to summon up dead Kevin. However, it is not known ...
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3 votes

Gilden-Fire hardcover by Stephen Donaldson

A quick Google search about the publishing dates for the first editions of the UK Version and the US Version reveals the US edition as the true first edition. The date for the US Version was found by ...
Infinity Milestone's user avatar
2 votes

Which direction do the rivers run in The Land?

I am not sure what is confusing you about this. Traveling north through the Andelain Hills, Covenant and Atiaran reach the Soulease River. Covenant then travels upstrem with Saltheart Foamfollower ...
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1 vote

Gilden-Fire hardcover by Stephen Donaldson

In any question about SF publications, your first stop should be the Internet Science Fiction Database. It includes publication details, and much else, for the vast majority of published SF for the ...
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