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22 votes

Identify a stage play about a VR experience in which participants are encouraged to simulate performing horrific activities

It looks like this might be "The Nether" featuring Jennifer Haley. From a review: In Jennifer Haley’s drama “The Nether,” the time is the future, and someone is being interrogated about ...
FuzzyBoots's user avatar
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18 votes

A play where a corpse keeps growing and growing from one scene to the next one

I thought this sounded like Ionesco, and a quick Google confirms that it is his play Amédée, or How to Get Rid of It. From Wikipedia: The premise of the play is revealed in the opening scene with a ...
Daniel Roseman's user avatar
7 votes

Marionette version of "The Little Mermaid"

You might be remembering a performance of The Little Mermaid by the Little Angel Marionette Theatre of London (possibly on Wednesday, June 27, 1984, at 7:00pm). A search for "little mermaid ...
James Droscha's user avatar
7 votes

Novel, or play, about a high school boy who gets a brain chip that gives him more personality

Might you be thinking of Be More Chill? The description on Goodreads says it's also a play: Jeremy Heere is your average high school dork. Day after day, he stares at beautiful Christine, the girl ...
DavidW's user avatar
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5 votes

Where is Dan Bredemann's play, "I Am Not Lewis Carroll"?

It was performed at least once that we know of (and presumably lots of other times, since it received a couple of critical reviews in the LA Times) but was never published as a show-script. Notably, ...
Valorum's user avatar
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3 votes

Who owns the rights to Doctor Who – The Ultimate Adventure and is the script available?

The most recent rights-users were Big Finish Audio. They produced an audio-drama version of the play in 2008 which credited BBC Worldwide as the rights-holders. Similarly, a 1989 audio-play version ...
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