NOTE: Specifically looking for some in-universe explanation; canonical or “legends” is fine. Lots of discussion of this specific line exists online, but nothing seems to go past idle “armchair speculation”; hoping something more solid and substantial can show up here.
At the beginning of the original Star Wars (1977) film, the Rebel Blockade Runner (Tantive IV) is captured by an Imperial Star Destroyer (Devastator) near Tatooine. R2-D2 and C-3PO escape that whole mess by leaving the the ship in an escape pod (aka: lifepod). As their escape pod spirals down to Tatooine, C-3PO states the following:
That’s funny, the damage doesn’t look as bad from out here.
What damage to what doesn’t look as bad from the vantage point of the escape pod? The shooting script for the film (Revised Fourth Draft - January 15, 1976) frames the dialogue as such:
Artoo and Threepio look out at the receding Imperial starship. Stars circle as the pod rotates through the galaxy.
THREEPIO: That’s funny, the damage doesn’t look as bad from out here.
Artoo beeps an assuring response.
THREEPIO: Are you sure this things safe?
Is C-3PO somehow referring to the Star Destroyer since that’s what we see on screen (see screenshot) as well as being referenced in the script itself? If so, why is C-3PO interested in the damage to an Imperial Star Destroyer? Is his droid eyesight somehow so strong he could see the Rebel Blockade Runner captured in the docking bay of that Star Destroyer? Heck, was C-3PO even aware of what ship he was on to begin with and maybe thought the Star Destroyer was the ship he was on?