In the Deep Space Nine episode Statistical Probabilities, Bashir works with a group of genetically engineered humans. At some point they all come to the conclusion that
it is 100% sure that Federation will loose the war against the Dominion.
Bashir and the other mutants are so extremely certain that their calculations are correct, that they're willing to risk a lot to prevent this vision from ever happening.
I can understand the other team members, but how could Bashir (and then Sisko) possibly even think that mutants are correct? In Sacrifice of Angels, they were both aboard the Defiant and they saw in the final scene, that
the Prophets can change history with a "snap of their fingers." If they can erase an entire Dominion fleet within a matter of seconds, then it must be obvious to anyone that an entity with such power can do anything they wanted; and that there is absolutely nothing that can be 100% certain in a war theatre, in which this entity is involved.
In other words, if Prophets managed to do what they did in Sacrifice of Angels, then what could prevent them from making Bashir's team "100% certain conclusions" not happen at all?
I like Statistical Probabilities very much, and even find it one of the best episodes in Deep Space Nine; but I'm pretty sure that -- given the above -- their "100% certain conclusions" is based on a completely false assumption.
Can someone confirm that I'm correct, or (if I'm not) can someone tell me where/how I'm wrong?