The opening scene of The Dark Knight shows a bank robbery being perpetrated by a gang hired by the Joker. It transpires that they are all supposed to kill each other, with presumably each of them thinking he will be the only one left to split the takings with the Joker, but as they are all wearing clown masks you only find out towards the end of the scene that
one of them is The Joker himself.
The scene starts with five robbers; two on the roof, and three in the van.
One is killed by another after he bypasses the emergency phone call. One is killed after he opens the safe.
One is shot by the bank manager after being tricked into believing the manager has run out of ammo in his shotgun, but is shown alive after that as he says to the other "Who taught you how to count?"
One (this same one) is killed
by the bus when it hits him, and the Joker then kills the bus driver.
We don't see what happened to the other one. Are there any deleted scenes or transcripts that tell us what happened to him?