I read a book about 15 years ago that revolved around a single male human protagonist with constant headaches who ends up landing/crashing on a planet inhabited by a ?bug?-like race. On this planet his headaches go away, and he finds that he can heal the local inhabitants with his advanced technology.
Eventually one kingdom or group of inhabitants gets angry that he is healing one side and they send a bug with a suicide-bomb. After the explosion the protagonist decides he has to leave to another planet.
I can't remember much else. I have the feeling that the story is part of a collection and isn't the first novel because I think there was a back story to the protagonist. The ship may have also had some sort of AI-voice system to keep him sane. No other humans were involved in the story.
Does anyone have any clue?
Edit I believe it was a large hard cover book; unfortunately I can't remember the cover art. I read it in the United States and was in English. By collection I mean that I think that the book was part of a series of books e.g. like the Harry Potter Novels. There were no other stories in this book.