In a way, but not really
In the DC animated universe, in Batman Beyond (1999), episode The Call, at some point, the Justice League suggests killing methods to get rid of "Starro", an alien starfish-like creature that can take control of the people it attaches itself to. During the discussion, Superman said they can't just kill them, to which another member of the League commented that he's back to his old self.
Big Barda: So, where should I boom them to? Some empty galaxy? Or maybe the surface of the sun?
Superman: Barda, these creatures never asked to come here. We have no right to kill them.
Warhawk: Back to his old self again.
But at the same time, earlier in that episode, when Batman was in a dangerous and critical situation (when the starfish creatures were about to escape into the ocean, possibly overtaking the entire Earth), Superman was ready to sacrifice Batman to save the world. Although, in this case, it can be argued that he also had faith in Batman being able to get out of the situation alive.
Big Barda: Kal, what are you doing?
Superman: Aquagirl must have opened the gate. I've gotta block it.
Big Barda: But Batman's down there!
Superman: He knew what he was getting into.
In the same continuity, in the animated series Justice League Unlimited (2004) (which happened before Batman Beyond in the timeline), episode The Doomsday Sanction, the Justice League decided to banish Doomsday into the Phantom Zone in order to prevent him from going on a rampage, whilst also avoiding killing him, to which Doomsday said they're going to wish they killed him instead of merely making him a captive.
Superman: I only use this as a last resort. It's gonna send you to another dimension. You won't be hurt, but you also won't hurt anyone else again anymore.
Doomsday: You'll wish you killed me.
However, in the animated series Justice League (2001) which happened before Justice League Unlimited, in the episode Twilight, Superman was about to finish it once and for all with Darkseid. Although the place where they were located was about to blow, he refused to leave. Not without killing Darkseid.
Darkseid: You really are a glutton for punishment. Time and again I've beaten you, humbled you. What makes you think today will be any different?
Superman: Because this time I won't stop until you're just a greasy smear on my fist. Let's go.
Batman: Superman!
Superman: Go! I'm finishing this.
Batman: Kent, don't be a fool...
Superman (after violently brushing Batman away): Get out of here! NOW!
Although he was mostly pushed by his hatred towards Darkseid (since the latter used him, tainted his reputation, then double-crossed/betrayed him), it is one of those occasions he seemed to be willing to kill. In the end, the explosion ended up killing Darkseid who couldn't escape. But on the instant, Superman didn't want to take the chance that he might survive.
This suggests that he tends to have a no-kill rule of some sort; or at least he avoids it when he can. But he's also fully capable of committing himself to killing if he wanted to.