It seems that every science fiction story has a different idea about what would happen if a human were exposed to the vacuum of space.
- At the end of Total Recall, Quaid and Melina are ejected to the surface of Mars. Their eyes bulged, their bodies swelled, and they convulsed. (OK, not space, but mostly a vacuum, right?)
- In Event Horizon, one of the characters is stuck in deep space for a few minutes and survives, but with some blindness or other damage to his eyes (this is my recollection; if someone remembers better, leave a comment).
- In Mission to Mars, Woody removes the helmet from his space-suite while floating above Mars and is instantly frozen.
- In some comic books, I've seen characters explode when sucked out into the void.
What would happen if someone were to find themselves in space, without a proper space suit? How long would someone survive? Has this been studied at all?