The Clone Wars series explore much about the relationship between Anakin Skywalker and his troopers, the 501st Legion who would later be renamed Vader's Fist. While Darth Vader does not seem to regard a lot of people he works alongside with, the Emperor and Boba Fett being rare exceptions, could it be possible that, despite his forbidding demeanour, he still feels for his troops the same way Anakin did?
In Legends, he does to an extent and shows some appreciation when Commander Appo is killed during the sacking of Kashyyyk. On the other hand, he does not mind executing his own troops when they try to kill Galen Marek. In Battlefront 2, the clone shows a lot of pride and honour being part of the 501st and in its nickname Vader's Fist, meaning that he should have much respect towards Vader as well.
In canon, we even get to see more development between Anakin and his men during the course of the Clone Wars, but the materials to cover what happen between the Clone Wars and the battle of Yavin 4 is scarce at the moment. Sure, Rex leaves the Empire, but I am sure Vader has positive rapports with more people than just him. So, after turning into Darth Vader, does Anakin still regard his troops, particularly the clones, the same way he did in the Clone Wars?